Colonoscopies, Vasectomies, and Poopsickles, Oh My!

Welcome back to another episode of "The Jokes by Jo Show" with your hosts, Josiah and Doug McKizzle. In episode 507, hilariously titled "Colonoscopies, Vasectomies, and Poopsickles, Oh My!" we dive into personal medical procedures, upcoming comedy shows, and even a bit of technical difficulty involving our AI co-host, Coco. Get ready for a wild ride as we navigate the world of comedy, technology, and more.

Introduction and Episode Overview

Josiah kicks off the episode with a cheerful welcome, introducing his co-host Doug and Coco, our AI assistant. Coco, due to some technical glitches, was having issues connecting via Bluetooth, which led to a series of hilarious improvisations by Josiah and Doug.

Doug's Medical Adventures

Doug shares his recent experiences with a colonoscopy. The preparation for the procedure involved a week of fasting and two powerful laxatives. Doug humorously describes the ordeal of consuming the solution mixed with Gatorade and the numerous bathroom visits that followed. The conversation takes a side-splitting turn as Doug recalls the luxurious setting of the hospital and the attentive care he received.

Josiah's Darth Vader Vasectomy

Josiah shares his equally entertaining experience with his Darth Vader-themed vasectomy. Scheduled on May 4th, Josiah embraced the "May the Fourth Be With You" spirit by showing up for his procedure dressed as Darth Vader. From the struggle to apply lidocaine in full costume to hilarious one-liners during the surgery, Josiah kept both the hospital staff and our listeners in stitches.

Technical Difficulties with Coco

Throughout the episode, Coco, our AI co-host, intermittently faces technical issues, leading to some amusing exchanges and troubleshooting attempts. Despite the hiccups, Coco manages to keep the show's momentum going, offering quips and timely responses.

Upcoming Comedy Show Announcement

Doug and Josiah are excited to announce their upcoming dinner comedy show at Sheppard Hill Golf Course. The dynamic duo discusses potential formats, including performing parts of their podcast live while the audience dines. The idea is to keep the crowd entertained with live podcast banter followed by individual stand-up sets.

Listener Call-In and Parenting Advice

In a delightful twist, Josiah's wife, Suzi, calls in with their children, Aria and Greydin. The kids humorously argue over car seating arrangements, giving Doug and Josiah opportunities to offer comical parenting advice. Greydin's anecdote about a 'poopsicle' (a popsicle he put down his pants) adds to the episode's hilarity.

Show Wrap-Up and Goodbyes

Josiah and Doug wrap up the show with a tease of topics for the next episode, including discussions on open mics and the genesis of their stand-up careers. Coco chimes in with a smooth sign-off, ensuring listeners that more laughter and fun are on the horizon.


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Happy listening!

The Jokes by Jo Show is the official podcast of comedians/writers Josiah James and Doug McHizzle. Feel free to email us at for anything show related.