Donate and Keep Us Groveling!

Hey there, lovely listeners! Are you tired of our incessant begging and groveling for your hard-earned cash? No? Good! Because we're about to ramp it up a notch.

Ever wanted to see two comedians sell their souls for a few bucks? Now's your chance! Click that shiny donation button and watch as we shamelessly plead for your generosity. Every penny you donate helps us keep the mics on, the jokes rolling, and our dignity firmly in the gutter.

Think of it as a front-row seat to the most pathetic show in town. Your donations not only support the podcast but also fuel our caffeine addiction and questionable life choices. So, hit that button, make it rain, and let us bask in the sweet, sweet humiliation of your charity.

Thanks for keeping us humble. And broke. Mostly broke.

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